Happy Patients share their life-changing and unique All on Four Dental Implant experience.


Losing teeth at the age of 30 due to periodontal disease made Colleen frustrated with her teeth.  She wanted a permanent solution that did not involve wearing dentures, so her dentist recommended full mouth implants. After attending a seminar, she couldn't wait to share the excitement she felt with her husband who was very supportive of her desire to feel healthier and happier.  In the end, she described her experience as simply "Wonderful!"



After many years of constantly replacing root canals, crowns and bridgework, Scott reached a point where he didn't want anymore dental work.  He wanted a final solution for healthy smile.  As a professor lecturing to students on a daily basis, Scott knew he couldn't go without teeth as it would affect his ability to communicate and teach.   After researching online, Scott discovered that with fixed implant bridges, he could choose to never be without teeth during treatment.  Beaming with his new smile, Scott shared how he can now eat what he loved the most without a second thought: Steak!




While on a family vacation, Mike knocked out his front teeth due to an unforeseen accident. The digital workflow protocol outlined in customized visits and expected timelines, erased any doubt and assured Mike he was in the right hands.  Knowing the procedures involved in each step enabled Mike and his family to feel even more at ease during his care visits and at the end as he felt that the whole process was much less painful than he anticipated.  



Erica was born with congenitally missing teeth making a difficult childhood where she felt self conscious about her smile, which she did not do often. Her parents saw the negative impact it had on her self confidence.  After receiving her new smile she always wanted, Erica expressed that the whole simplified process and refined attention to detail of her doctors exceeded beyond her expectations.  She was so happy and wanted to tell everybody about her experience.  




Years of retreating failing and ailing  bridges and root canals made Vince want to never go to another dentist again as it created many inconveniences for his busy lifestyle.  He finally made the decision to remove all his remaining teeth and have dental implant supported restoration and wanted something that did not long take years to complete.  Reflecting back, Vince shared how easily biting into an apple now made him appreciate the extreme meticulous attention to detail that he observed in his team at each care visit.  


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